Love For My Home, My Town, My Country
Photography Contest 2017
Organised by Malaysian Chinese Culture & Arts Consultative Council

Express your love for your homeland with your most creative photographs!
Open Category 公开组:
First 冠军: Cash 现金 RM2,000 + Canon EOS 800D (EF-S 18-135 IS STM) worth 值
RM5,000 + Certificate 奖状
Second 亚军: Cash 现金 RM1,000 + Canon EOS 750D (EF-S 18-55 IS STM) worth 值
RM3,000 + Certificate 奖状
Third 季军: Cash 现金RM500 + Canon EOS M10 (EFM 15-45) Pokemon worth 值
RM2,000 + Certificate 奖状
10 x Merit 优秀奖: Canon PIXMA E470 worth 值 RM300 + Certificate 奖状
10 x Consolation 安慰奖: Canon PIXMA MG3070S worth 值 RM200 + Certificate 奖状
Student Category 学生组:
First 冠军: Canon EOS 750D (EF-S 18-55 IS STM) worth 值 RM3,000 + Certificate 奖状
Second 亚军: Canon EOS M10 (EFM15-45) Pokemon worth 值 RM2,000 + Certificate 奖状
Third 季军: Canon POWERSHOT SX620HS worth 值 RM1,000 + Certificate 奖状
10 x Merit 优秀奖: Canon PIXMA E470 worth 值 RM300 + Certificate 奖状
10 x Consolation 安慰奖: Canon PIXMA MG3070S worth 值 RM200 + Certificate 奖状
1. This contest is open to all Malaysian photography enthusiasts.
2. Photos entered for this contest must be taken between 2015 and 2017. The photos must not have been published or
entered for any other competitions previously.
3. It is the responsibility of the contestant to get the consent of the subject or the owner before photographing, `or to take the
photo as an entry.
4. All entries must be original, without any electronic modifications.
5. We do not tolerate plagiarism and theft of photos (Reminder: Contestants shall solely bear any legal consequences
arising from the submitted entry. ).
6. Entries must be in Colour Print of size 8” x 12”. Contestants are required to submit a CD/DVD with the original images in
JPEG Format (Original Capture JPEG or Original Files Converted from RAW) for all the photos submitted.
7. A contestant may submit any number of entries, but each entry must be submitted together with the entry form.
Photocopies of the entry form are acceptable.
8. The judging criteria will be based on Content, Creativity, Composition, Colour, Contrast and Lighting techniques.
9. The Organising Committee and Panel of Judges reserve the right to disqualify entries which do not comply with the rules
and regulations or theme of this contest.
10. All photos and CDs submitted are non-returnable and shall become the property of the organiser who may use them for promotional,
publishing and exhibition purposes without notification and payment to the contestants.
11. The organiser shall not be held responsible for entries damaged or lost through the post or other delivery systems.
12. The decision of the Panel of Judges is final and any dispute or appeal will not be entertained.
13. The closing date for this photography contest is 21st July 2017 (Friday) at 5.00 pm.
All entries must be sent to: Malaysian Chinese Culture & Arts Consultative Council
Tingkat 12, Wisma MCA, No. 163, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
1. 此项比赛公开予爱好摄影的马来西亚国民参加。
2. 参赛作品必须是2015至2017年期间所拍摄,同时未曾在任何刊物刊登,且未参加过其他正式比赛。
3. 参赛者有责任在拍摄前先取得所拍摄的对象或事物主人的同意,方可拍摄或将照片作为参赛用途。
4. 要求原创,恕不接受经过电脑修改(增加或删除某些景物)之作品。
5. 若发生参赛作品出现抄袭、剽窃他人作品或创意,侵犯他人著作权、肖像权、名誉权等违法行为,一切法律
6. 作品的尺寸为8寸x 12寸彩色相片,须转为JPG或RAW格式烧录在光碟(CD/DVD)上。
7. 参赛者可寄上多份作品参赛,每份参赛作品均须填写个别的参赛表格方为有效,表格可自行复印。
8. 评审团将根据作品之内容、构图、创意、色彩、反差及采光等拍摄技巧作为评选标准。
9. 作品如有文不对题或违反比赛规则者,主办机构和评审团有权取消有关作品的参赛资格。
10. 所呈上的作品和数码光碟将归主办机构所有,恕不退还。主办机构有权复制得奖作品作宣传、
11. 参赛作品的邮寄证明不得视为收件证明,若出现邮寄遗失或损坏,主办机构概不负责。
12. 评审团的决定为最后决定,任何询问或投诉恕不受理。
13. 所有作品必须于截止日期2017年7月21日(星期五)下午五时前寄/交至:
“爱家,爱乡,爱国” 摄影比赛
Tingkat 12, Wisma MCA, No. 163, Jalan Ampang,
50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Download Entry Form below: